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With scholarship as one of our core values, Delta Gamma sisters take pride in our academic accomplishments. Majors varying across the board bring diversity to our chapter in the ways we learn and grow. Our elected Director of Scholarship is devoted to our overall academic success, reserving study spaces throughout campus, organizing study sessions, and creating academic plans for the chapter to follow. These plans incorporate weekly study hours, goal-setting, study sessions with sisters in the same class, and scholarship recognition! Every quarter, members who receive a 4.00 GPA, are on Dean’s List, or have achieved their goal are recognized at a quarterly scholarship recognition event. In Delta Gamma, we strive to help women reach their academic potential and reward our sisters' excellence!


College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

  • Agribusiness

  • Agricultural Education and Communication

  • Animal Science

  • Dairy Science

  • BioResource and Agricultural Engineering

  • Food Science and Nutrition

  • Plant Sciences

  • Environmental Earth and Soil Sciences

  • Environmental Management and Protection

  • Wine and Viticulture

  • Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

  • Architectural Engineering

  • Architecture

  • City and Regional Planning

  • Construction Management

  • Landscape Architecture

College of Business

  • Business Administration

  • Economics

  • Industrial Technology and Packaging

College of Engineering

  • Aerospace Engineering

  • Biomedical Engineering

  • Civil Engineering

  • Computer Science and Software Engineering

  • Electrical Engineering

  • Environmental Engineering

  • General Engineering

  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

  • Mechanical Engineering

College of Liberal Arts

  • Art and Design

  • Communication Studies

  • English

  • Ethnic Studies

  • Graphic Communication

  • History

  • Journalism

  • Music

  • Philosophy

  • Political Science

  • Psychology and Child Development

  • Anthropology and Geography

  • Theatre and Dance

  • Women's and Gender Studies

College of Science and Mathematics

  • Biological Sciences

  • Chemistry and Biochemistry

  • Kinesiology and Public Health

  • Liberal Studies

  • Mathematics

  • Physics

  • Statistics


DGs Overseas

In addition to our achievement here at Cal Poly, we also have sisters who broaden their horizons and experience the wonders of study abroad. Our sisters have incredible opportunities to "learn by doing" in other countries and cultures. Although we miss them, we love to hear about their journeys when they return! To the right is a map of all the places our sisters have studied abroad while enrolled at Cal Poly.

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