Our house is located at 1328 Foothill Boulevard, just steps away from Front Porch and Cal Poly's Recreational Center! 4 of our sisters live in the front house and 2 of our sisters live in the back apartment! Our beautiful backyard is where we hold recruitment and sisterhood events. The back house also serves as a meeting space below the upstairs bedroom. We are beyond excited to show you our home!
To schedule a tour, email our Chapter President:

The anchor is the most widely recognized symbol of Delta Gamma Fraternity.
The original badge of our Founders was the letter "H." This symbolized hope, which was our Founders' watchword. Only initiated members wear the official badge of the Fraternity. In 1877, the "H" badge changed to an anchor, the traditional symbol for hope.
Women who are pledged to join, but who are not yet initiated, wear the new member pin. The white shield has the Greek letters Pi Alpha inscribed on it. The shield suggests the Fraternity badge and is exchanged for the badge upon Initiation.
The Fraternity flower is the cream-colored rose. The Fraternity colors are bronze, pink, and blue.
The meaning of the crest is only known to its initiated members. The colors of the crest are cream for the rose at the apex of the crest; gold for the three, five-pointed stars on the shield, the rope around the shield and outline of the scroll ribbon; burnt maize for the flanking ornaments of the rose and the Greek letters, Tau Delta Eta; blue for the lower two-thirds of the shield; green for the upper third and center section of the shield and the leaves of the rose; and rose for the Greek letters Delta Gamma.
The Theta Alpha chapter of Delta Gamma was founded on March 11th, 2018. Members of the Gamma Kappa Chapter at the University of California, Santa Barbara made the drive to help recruit and initiated the first class back in 2018. Since then, we have been the newest Panhellenic chapter here at Cal Poly.
As members, we have grown throughout the course of founding this chapter, strengthening our sisterhood by becoming close with one another and reflecting this compassion to those all around us.
The hopes of our chapter are for members to continue excelling in academics, sports, philanthropy, and involvement on Cal Poly's campus. We encourage future Delta Gammas to truly appreciate the impacts of this sorority based on principles of personal integrity, personal responsibility, and intellectual honesty of women of all ages. Our primary purpose is to foster high ideals of friendship, promote educational and cultural interests, create a true sense of social responsibility, and develop the finest qualities of character.
We are so glad to be anchored together in Delta Gamma. The many joys of sisterhood we have cultivated here at Cal Poly make every day brighter. We are so grateful to share this light with you as you get to know Delta Gamma!

Delta Gamma was founded in 1873 in Oxford, Mississippi, at the Lewis School for Girls by three young women who were unable to go home for the Christmas break. Together, Anna Boyd, Mary Comfort, and Eva Webb created a club of "mutual helpfulness."
They chose the Greek letters Delta and Gamma because of their desire to "Do Good." It remains Delta Gamma's motto today and a driving force in all we do. Delta Gamma is a sisterhood built on a commitment to making the world better through not only service, but also a deep appreciation
for each individual.
What started with three women in Oxford, Mississippi, has since grown into an international Fraternity with 152 collegiate chapters and more than 215 alumnae groups. Delta Gamma's sisterhood continues to inspire women through the values that were built into our very first Constitution. Article II, written by our Founders in 1873, states:
"The objects of this Fraternity shall be to foster high ideals of friendship among women, to promote their educational and cultural interests, to create in them a true sense of social responsibility and to develop in them the best qualities of character."