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The women of Delta Gamma strive to do good in every walk of life. Our philanthropic endeavors include, but are not limited to, fundraising events benefitting causes promoted by the Delta Gamma Foundation, scholarship opportunities for collegiate Delta Gammas, and volunteer opportunities for DG alumnae. Our sorority is founded on the principles of bringing long-lasting hope and positive change to the lives touched by Delta Gamma women and the communities in which we thrive. 


Service for Sight

The Delta Gamma Foundation fosters lifetime enrichment for members, promotes Service for Sight and partners with the Fraternity to ensure the future of our sisterhood. Our dedicated members and friends make the mission of the Foundation possible through service, awareness and fundraising.​


Volunteer service is at the heart of Delta Gamma’s work. Through Service for Sight, Joining Forces, the Golden Anchor Program and community activities, the Foundation supports the philanthropic goals of our members and chapters. Service for Sight has been at the core of the Delta Gamma mission since 1936 when a member who was blind, Ruth Billow, Eta-Akron, petitioned members to adopt "Aid to the Blind" as our official philanthropy.


In addition to service, members invest in the future of Delta Gamma by making tax-deductible gifts to the Foundation. Financial support comes from many sources including our collegiate chaptersalumnae groups, individual members and more. Through this support, the Foundation provides grants to our members as well as to organizations across North America that promote sight preservation and aid to children and adults who are blind or visually impaired. The Foundation also provides generous grants to the Fraternity to help Delta Gamma create programming to develop members’ leadership skills, teach social responsibility and foster personal growth.


We are one Delta Gamma, but in accordance with Internal Revenue Code, the Foundation and Fraternity are two separate organizations. In 1951, the Delta Gamma Foundation was formed as a complement to the Fraternity, creating a vehicle for members to promote the educational interests and social responsibility referenced in Article II of the Fraternity Constitution. Each entity offers unique opportunities for our members to “Do Good.” To see how we are living out this motto, view our most recent annual report and 990 Report. The Foundation is governed by the Delta Gamma Foundation Constitution and Articles of Incorporation, the Convention and the Foundation Board of Trustees.

Joining Forces

We, as a Fraternity, thank the men and women of our Armed Forces who serve and have served this great Nation. In recognition of their sacrifice and the hardships experienced by them, their families and loved ones, Delta Gamma is introducing an opportunity to give back to those who give us so much.


The Delta Gamma Council and Board of Trustees announce, and wholeheartedly support, the new “Service for Sight: Joining Forces” Program. Developed by the Delta Gamma Fraternity and Foundation team, this compelling program is intended to unite our membership as we further enhance our existing Service for Sight philanthropy.


The Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration have teamed up to improve eye injury clinical care, vision research, and life-changing benefits for our service members. Between 13-20% of warriors who are wounded experience eye trauma or vision impairment as a result of concussive events caused by IED blasts or direct injury to the eye. Delta Gamma will be partnering with the Department of Defense, Veterans Administration, and other non-profits that work to aid blind or visually impaired service members to offer philanthropic aid through our existing grant program, as well as opportunities for our members to volunteer and give of their time.

Our hope is that our collegiate and alumnae members will embrace this new program as part of our commitment to aiding blind or visually impaired individuals. The wars will be ending, but the consequences of the injuries to our warriors will be with them and us for decades. Let’s not forget our warriors after they come home. Information about how YOU can help is forthcoming. This is an exciting opportunity to make Delta Gamma history. Let’s do our part. Let’s “Do Good.”

Golden Anchor Program

The purpose of the Golden Anchor Program is to assist Delta Gamma senior citizens, as well as other senior citizens who reside in health care facilities throughout the United States and Canada, by bringing joy to their lives in the way of personal interaction and the bonds of friendship. This program is an option for collegians and alumnae alike.

How might the Golden Anchor Program fit into your programming? It can be used for service hours needed by collegians. This is a group commitment where members would only need to participate once a semester as a collegian or a few times a year as an alumna. The Golden Anchor Program is compatible with the mission of the Foundation, sight preservation and aid to the blind. The program is funded by the Foundation.


Log in to myDG and go to the Volunteer In Box to learn more about this worthwhile and rewarding program.


Sisters Helping Sisters: Need-Based

Need-based scholarships are available throughout the fiscal year (July-June) for eligible candidates. Due to a matching grant challenge from Carlene Moore Ellis, Delta Iota-Georgia, over one hundred Delta Gamma members, collegiate chapters, alumnae groups and house corporations responded to the Sisters Helping Sisters campaign. These awards are designated to assist collegiate members who have proven financial need or who find themselves in a sudden or unexpected financial crisis. Each recipient will be granted $2,500 which will be paid directly to the college or university for credit to her account for educational purposes only. Funds may not be used for Delta Gamma dues or expenses.


To read more or apply, visit Collegiate Scholarships and Graduate Fellowships or email


Delta Gamma Foundation merit-based scholarships are grants awarded on a competitive basis to qualified, initiated members pursuing undergraduate degrees. Candidates must have a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA (on a 4.0 scale) or the equivalent and have completed either three semesters or four quarters of course work (typically current sophomores or juniors). Selection is based on scholastic excellence, participation and leadership roles in chapter, campus and community activities, and required recommendations. If a Foundation Scholarship is given, funds are sent directly to the university for credit to the recipient’s account beginning in the fall academic term. Funds are restricted to
educational expenses only.


To read more or apply, visit Merit Based Scholarships or email the Director of Scholarships and Fellowships, at

Crisis Grants

Crisis Grants support members of Delta Gamma in extreme financial need who find themselves in financial distress created by job loss, health crisis, natural disaster or other unexpected life circumstances. A written financial statement and statement as to the reasons for need will be obtained from each applicant prior to any financial help being instituted. Three letters of reference must also be submitted to the Anchor Grant Committee. Two of the letters must be from Delta Gamma alumnae and one must be from an community member or caring professional who is knowledgeable about the member’s needs and reason for applying. All letters must be signed, dated and include the current phone number and address of the writer.

To apply for a Crisis Grant, you must be an initiated Delta Gamma member and in good standing with the Fraternity. Crisis Grants cannot be used to pay sorority dues or study abroad. If you are a collegiate member of Delta Gamma and would like to apply for financial assistance or learn more visit Anchor Grants.


For questions, contact Kathleen Kirby at or call 1.800.644.5414.


Delta Gamma offers many options for our alumnae to take on leadership roles. From being a collegiate adviser, serving on your local alumnae board or house corporation, and the many appointed positions as well, there are opportunities of leadership.


To learn how you can get involved as an alumna, visit the How to Volunteer page of the Delta Gamma website.


© 2023 by Delta Gamma, Theta Alpha Chapter

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